Tag Archive | glory

He saves, He heals, He sets free

Some problems shake you to your very core.

This was the case for a certain man from Gadarenes on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. His problem couldn’t be seen or touched. It was in his mind and it was out of control.

He was held in bondage by demons and declared incurable. Uncontrollable. The Bible repeated the words “no one”. No one could bind him. No one could subdue him. The demons ravaged his life as days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and eventually to years.

He remained in torment until the day a man named Jesus set foot on the shore.

When those spirits saw Jesus, they knew their time was up. They knew He was about to do what no one had been able to do. He was their eviction notice – they had to leave.

The demons ran up to Jesus and willingly submitted themselves, begging Him not to torment them. How is it that the same demons who tortured one man, were  begging this other Man not to torture them?

Dr Luke, in the 11th chapter and the 21st verse tells us “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.”

Jesus was now that Stronger Man who had come in and subdued them.
There was no contest. He was Lord and they were in thrall to Him.

So Jesus commands the evil spirits to take leave of the man’s body and sends them into herd of pigs and for the first time in a long time, the man tastes freedom. His mind is restored. He sits beside Jesus and has a peaceful interaction.

My question is, do you need peace?

Is there something going on that has defied all logic and solution? If there is, it does not deter Jesus. It is no match for him. Whether it’s a sickness or an addiction or a behaviour or a negative experience, it ends when Jesus sets foot on the shores of your heart.

He is that Spirit that supersedes all other spirits. The Wind that commands other winds to be still.

Jesus came so that you and I may be free.
He went to the cross thousands of years ago so that His name may be glorified.  When we mention that name, every lingering problem takes its leave.

The villagers couldn’t help the demoniac. The Bible tells us people actually tried but did not succeed. But Jesus is that rock that no problem can escape. Anything the Rock opposes will be completely pulverized.

It may seem strong but Jesus is infinitely stronger. Take the problem to Jesus. Where others fail, He succeeds.

Jesus saves. Jesus heals. Jesus sets free.

No Fear Zone

When you imagine signs of fear in a person, you may picture someone cowering, shrieking or crying out for help. On the inside, fear presents itself as increased blood pressure, heightened heart rate, and blood flow changes.

Here’s something else to consider: fear shows up in our behaviours too.

-Fear of losing control or influence, so you scheme and manipulate.

-Fear of feeling anxious, so you have fits of rage and angry outbursts.

-Fear of consequence, so you lie.

-Fear of rejection and loneliness, so you posture and people please.

-You fear being outsmarted so you also outsmart and cheat.

-Fear of embarrassment, so you over-compensate.

-Fear of failure, so you self sabotage and give up.

I could go on and on.

You would be be surprised at how many dysfunctional behaviours and habits are actually rooted in crippling, paralyzing, diarrhoea-inducing fear. The dread and terror that come with fear are enough to alter personalities and trigger the most outrageous responses. The things we do are not nearly as intruguing as the reasons why we do them.

Whether the fear is reasonable or not, is another discussion entirely. The response doesn’t invalidate the fact that it is there, and like a wrecking ball, it is wreaks havoc, leaving a trail of bad experiences behind it.

No wonder The Bible lays so much emphasis on dispelling fear. It’s not just about the feeling, it’s about what it makes you do, and who it makes you become.

The old testament is riddled with verses telling us not to be afraid and giving us reasons. The Book of Isaiah alone has so many verses addressing fear. It usually starts off with a command, and a reason. For example:

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” – Isaiah 41:10

“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”. – Isaiah 41: 13

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” – Psalm 23:4

God isn’t just shoving us out into the world to face the things that terrify us alone. He is telling us not to fear because He is bigger than fear. Because He is WITH us, and because He is IN us. The courage to face fear is not external, it is already in you. When you surrendered to Christ, He gave you a spirit without fear, but with love, power and an excellent mind. The Bible says if God is with you, who (what) can be against you? Jesus said the world will give you reasons to fear, but don’t fall for it- I have stripped it of its ability to hurt you and my victory is final (John 16.33) .

So what do you do to fear when you learn that you have the backing of The One who rendered it empty and powerless?

You face it.

You do not overcome fear by running from it, you face it and tell it what God said.

– Dont fear consequence, all things are working together for your good. Own up to mistakes don’t lie

– Do not fear losing God control. God is the master of your destiny, His plans for you are excellent. Be straightforward and have good intentions, don’t manipulate.

– Do not fear loneliness or rejection. You are precious, valued, loved dearly and tenderly by God. Be confident and content. Don’t posture, or people please.

– Do not fear being outsmarted. You have an excellent mind and you discern matters correctly. Your God is exceedingly rich enough to meet all your needs. Don’t cheat or swindle.

For every negative behaviour that seeks expression, there is a positive alternative that is both befitting and liberating.These are the actions and motives that heaven recognises and celebrates.

While on the surface, it may appear that you are losing or missing out, you are actually building character, strengthening your walk with Christ and demolishing fear and its stronghold over your life.

This Too Shall Pass

A good friend of mine taught me about times and seasons in the most profound way. He showed me.

We became friends in university, and I’d always known him as a ‘classic man’. No kidding, he wore the finest clothes and always had the trendiest stuff. In a nutshell, this fellow took very good care of himself.

Fast forward 5 years later, we hadn’t seen each other in a while, and I happened to be in his neck of the woods, so we met up. I was stunned to see my friend not looking as prim and proper as I knew him to look. He told me he’d been out of work for a while and was hopeful he’d find something new soon. I was so shaken by his appearance that I was about to give him my sympathy when he told me ‘Look Amaka, I’m in a season. This season isn’t meant for fancy clothes and comfort. It’s for rolling up my sleeves and doing heavy lifting. The season for all that will come around. But this isn’t it’.

I saw him a few years later, and truly, he had changed. He was married and was working in a top financial institution, and true to his nature, he had on the baddest suit I’d ever seen, lol.

I remembered our conversation a few years back. How he didn’t give into the pity party I was unknowingly trying to throw. How he looked beyond his daily struggles and discerned that it was only a season, not his final destination.

My Bible tells me that life is made up times and seasons. Winter, summer, spring, day, night – they all come and go. It gives me examples of men like Daniel who knew when the times required intense prayer, and the sons of Isaachar who were so good at discerning the times that they were strategic resources whenever Israel was at war.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in daily activities that we don’t discern our season and the lessons that lie therein.

Are you in a season of plenty? Yes, it’s a season to enjoy the finer things. Could it also be an opportunity for you to double up on your savings? Invest? Do things for people who deserve it?

Are you in a season of want? Is that an opportunity for you to improve your resource management skills? Be financially disciplined? Learn to repurpose?

Are you in a season of sadness? Could it also be an opportunity for solemn reflection? An avenue for you to become more compassionate??

Season of waiting? Is God teaching you patience? Dependence on Him? Humility?

All seasons are significant, even when they come with a sting. The bottom line is that they will come, and they will go. If we take time to speak to the Holy Spirit and give things time, we will see the essence of the season.

Another thing I learned from my friend is never to make lasting judgement on someone who’s going through a temporary situation.

Thank you for the lessons, O.

God bless you for being a blessing.

The Convenience of the Flesh, the Glory of the Spirit

The Holy Spirit taught me a lesson from Genesis 1: 11-12, which tells us that everything produces after its own kind. He showed me that spiritual growth and maturity comes as a result of exercising your spirit to the point where it becomes your default mode of operation.

The human response to pressure and discomfort is usually fleshly. We choose the most convenient / accessible option; we choose the thing that makes us feel good (even when it truly does not resolve the issue).

When we operate out of the flesh, we remain spiritual babies, easily swayed, never truly understanding who we are and what we have been placed on earth to accomplish. The flesh is extremely convenient, but it yields no desirable thing.

It’s easy to respond to malice with malice. To receive insults with a quick clapback, to respond to fear with impulsiveness or even anger, and so on. It is under circumstances like this that you find believers exhibiting what I term as ‘contradictory christianity’, where they are Christians until they come under pressure. Sanctified until stressed! Oh dear.

Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. - (Galatians 6:8 NLT)

When we give into the flesh in this manner, we give no room for the growth Christ desires for us (Galatians 6 : 8). Each time we do this, we refuse the Holy Spirit from working in us and through us.

But we won’t give into carnality because the Holy Spirit has a higher calling for you and I. Paul says since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives- (Galatians 5:25). One reason it’s so important to remain tuned into your spirit at all times is because life’s situations are your spirit’s physical gym; it is where you test ability and grow capacity.

It is where you gain mastery of your flesh. When you continually put your spirit to work, you learn that physical things are fleeting, but things of the spirit are permanent. That anger is a response best suited to the unwise and that a gentle answer turns away wrath. That it is more blessed to give than to receive and that truly, increase comes from God. I could go on and on, but you get my drift.

What Christ desires is for us to be so confidently persuaded of His love, that we only speak and act in a manner that pleases Him because we know it is for our growth, and edification- no matter the situation.

This won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it.

How do you do this? Fellowship. Fellowship. Fellowship.

I find that frequent fellowship with the Holy Spirit is the oil the wheel of life requires to remain switched on and tuned in. Our time with the Holy Spirit shouldn’t be reserved for bedtime and wake time only. Talk to Him during the course of your entire day. Never stay too far from your secret place. For you will hear a voice behind you saying “This is the way, walk ye in it”- Isaiah 30:21. Because “there is a way that seemed right unto a Man but the end thereof is destruction”- Proverbs 14:12

I remember telling the Holy Spirit I didn’t have time to talk with Him as much as I used to because I took on some responsibilities that required more of my physical attention. He told me, ‘my altar is in your heart, we can fellowship anywhere, anytime’.

Friends, you can never go wrong when you choose to stay with The Word and in tune with your spirit. For the Spirit will always bring with it goodness and God’s glory.

He Knows

According to Philippians 2:7, Jesus took “the very nature of a servant.” He became like us so he could serve us. He entered the world not to demand our allegiance but to display his affection.

He knew you’d be sleepy, he knew you’d be grief stricken, and hungry. He knew you’d face pain. If not the pain of the body, the pain of the soul. He knew you’d face thirst. If not a thirst for water, at least a thirst for truth. And the truth we glean from the image of a thirsty Christ on the cross is: Jesus understands.

When we feel lonely, knowing someone understands can make all the difference. You can be surrounded by people but still feel lonely if you don’t feel known. And you can be alone but not feel lonely if you are known. God became flesh, so we would always feel known by him.

Made for More

In Jeremiah 33:3, God tells Jeremiah ‘Call unto me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things you didn’t even know existed’.

Have you done all you know to do without tangible results? Have you gone through many options with little success?

If you’re on the verge of settling for less or totally giving up, I’ll tell you the same thing God told Jeremiah – ‘All you know is not all there is to know’.

There are dimensions where effort is multiplied and errors are minimised. There are certain keys that unlock certain doors.

Will you give the All-knowing, All-seeing Game Changer a chance? I call Him the God who sees in the dark and hears behind closed doors.

He is willing to show you hidden solutions and concealed treasures, as long as you are willing to give Him your full attention. You have to gaze on Him for your face to be made radiant. Prove your dissatisfaction with the ordinary and the doors of the extraordinary will be flung open to you.

He is the only basket where you can safely place all your eggs.

He says ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you – Matthew 7:7.

Look closely; these statements are not probabilities. They are certainties. Cause and effect. When you take take certain steps, certain things happen.

Lean on God.

Lean on Him fully.

You can have more. You can be more.


Speak to The King of Heaven

Are you, like Esther, facing an impossible challenge? Then imitate the queen. Esther could have remained hidden, she could have done nothing. Or she could have rushed into the presence of King Xerxes, but instead she chose prayer.

And you? This is the time for a no-nonsense, honest, face-on-the-floor talk with the Lord of all. Garments need not be ripped, but veneer must be removed. Fasting is optional, but the prayer of genuine humility is not.

What challenge are you facing? Is your job in jeopardy? Is your loved one in hospice? Is your faith in tatters? Retreat into your prayer closet. The queen could enter the throne room of Xerxes because she had spent time in the throne room of God. The same is true in your story and mine. Once we’ve spoken to the king of heaven, we are ready to face any king on earth.

Start Right

Think of each morning as a blank script. Think of your lips as a pen. Use your words to direct the course of your day!

I am blessed of God💫

Blessed beyond measure

Blessed beyond comprehension

Blessed irrespective of circumstance

Blessed beyond limitation

Blessed amidst opposition

Blessed in the midst of confusion

Blessed in the face of uncertainty

Blessed inspite of mistakes

Blessed beyond what I see & feel

Blessed on the mountain

Blessed in the valley

Blessed among many

Blessed roundabout!

Today, and all the days of my life, I am blessed 💫😊