Tag Archive | saviour

Something About Our God

On my morning run, I reflected on my life and some events, I thought to myself, ‘.. there’s definitely something about this God.’

That Paul, who had devoted his life to seeing Christians exterminated, proclaimed that his whole life belonged to Christ and dying was still gaining for Him.

Something that made three Hebrew boys – young, vibrant, and in their prime, unashamedly and unequivocally tell their executioner that dying for Him was better than living without Him.

Something that made a servant boy refuse the enticing, pleasure-filled advances of his masters wife, turning down an opportunity most would jump at, out of reverential fear of God.

Something that made a public servant – hearing the newly passed decree not to worship God, go home, open the window of his top floor apartment, and do exactly that.

Oh… there must be something about a God that looked at a valley full of the dead, dry, scattered bones that were once men, and in the blink of an eye, roused them back to life with the Word of His power.

There has to be something about this God… that made an exquisitely beautiful queen at the height of her reign, religate her position to a place of inferior importance, and risk her life to save HIS people.

Something about a God that made one man, outnumbered and unarmed, take on a whole government and its 450 prophets and effortlessly defeat them.

There just has to be something about this God that caused a man, dead for four days, embalmed, entombed, to hear his name called out with an instruction to come out, and respond!

There is something about a God who spoke in one location, and a man’s servant was healed in another location. Who gave sight to people who never saw and movement to people who had never known what it felt like to walk. Who gave mental, physical, and spiritual freedom to captives.

There has to be something about a God who loved so much, that He looked beyond all others and sent His prized Son to take the place of millions of unworthy sinners and mischief-makers and rogues and fornicators, so that anyone of them who believes in Him, has their slate wiped clean! They escape their rightful judgement and enjoy everlasting life.

Something that made him forgive the same people He came to save, as they hurt Him, betrayed Him, condemned Him, and finally killed Him.

Maybe it’s His loving heart or His able hands, but when I consider these things, I am convinced, without a shadow of doubt that there is something about my God that makes Him different from the rest. That same thing makes me love Him with all my heart and soul like I do ❤️

Miracle in the Mundane

Mary is wide awake. The pain has been eclipsed by wonder. She looks into the face of the baby. Her son. Her Lord. His Majesty. At this point in history, the human being who best understands who God is and what he is doing is a teenage girl in a smelly stable. She can’t take her eyes off of him. Somehow Mary knows she is holding God. She remembers the words of the angel. “His kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:33).

He looks like anything but a king. His face is prunish and red. His cry, though strong and healthy, is still the helpless and piercing cry of a baby. He is absolutely dependent upon Mary for his well-being. Majesty in the midst of the mundane. Holiness in the filth of sheep manure and sweat. Divinity entering the world on the floor of a stable, through the womb of a teenager, and in the presence of a carpenter.

Made for More

In Jeremiah 33:3, God tells Jeremiah ‘Call unto me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things you didn’t even know existed’.

Have you done all you know to do without tangible results? Have you gone through many options with little success?

If you’re on the verge of settling for less or totally giving up, I’ll tell you the same thing God told Jeremiah – ‘All you know is not all there is to know’.

There are dimensions where effort is multiplied and errors are minimised. There are certain keys that unlock certain doors.

Will you give the All-knowing, All-seeing Game Changer a chance? I call Him the God who sees in the dark and hears behind closed doors.

He is willing to show you hidden solutions and concealed treasures, as long as you are willing to give Him your full attention. You have to gaze on Him for your face to be made radiant. Prove your dissatisfaction with the ordinary and the doors of the extraordinary will be flung open to you.

He is the only basket where you can safely place all your eggs.

He says ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you – Matthew 7:7.

Look closely; these statements are not probabilities. They are certainties. Cause and effect. When you take take certain steps, certain things happen.

Lean on God.

Lean on Him fully.

You can have more. You can be more.


Enough to Save

Some people feel so saved that they never serve. Some serve hoping to maintain their salvation. Does one of those sentences describe you? Do you feel so saved that you never serve? So content in what God has done that you do nothing?

Or is your tendency the opposite? Maybe you always serve for fear of not being saved. You’re worried there’s some secret card where scores are written and your score is not enough. Is that you? Then here’s some news for you: the blood of Jesus is enough to save you. John 1:29 announces that Jesus is “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” The blood of Christ doesn’t cover your sins, conceal your sins, postpone your sins, or diminish your sins. It wipes away your sins, once and for all. No do-overs, no corrections.

And since you are saved, you can serve with joy.