Tag Archive | christ

Why Worrying is a Failure to Grasp the Gospel


“Don’t be a worry wart!” people say… and those of us prone to anxiety promptly begin worrying about worrying too much.

For a while, I thought that worry was caused by my failure to seek first the kingdom. If I would only fix my eyes on Jesus more, then I would stop worrying. If I would only think about the kingdom more, then anxiety wouldn’t be an issue.

Certainly, those who are seeking the kingdom above all things are not preoccupied with food, and drink, and clothing (as Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount). And yes, seeking the kingdom first is a good action plan if we find ourselves worrying.

But seeking first the kingdom comes after we have been sought by the King. The root cause of worry is not misplaced priorities. It’s misplaced faith. It’s a failure to grasp the gospel of a God worthy of our trust.

So worry shows up whenever my view of God is diminished and my view of myself gets too big. I worry because my vision of God is skewed. I rest when my vision is fixed.

“Look at the birds of the air!” Jesus said. “God gives them food, even if they don’t work and earn their way.” There’s more to this parallel than a mere animal-to-human comparison about how much more God will care for us. There’s gospel here. God has given undeserved favor to the birds. He blesses them apart from their merits.

God’s grace and mercy is sustaining us too. Everything we have comes from God’s hand. Salvation belongs to the Lord. And the powerful God who saved us is the loving Father who sustains us.

When I reflect on the gospel of a priceless Savior giving his all for undeserving sinners like you and me, then I am assured that our value in the eyes of God does not shift with the economic tides. Our worth is not measured in what we do for God, but what God has done for us.

This is God the Father who sent his only Son to the cross that we deserved.

This is God the Son who willingly took on flesh, lived among us, and died in our place.

This is God the Spirit who prompts our hearts and brings us back into unending fellowship with our Maker.

It is the costly actions of God that give us our value.

In these difficult times, we – the people of God’s kingdom – need to be reminded of our true citizenship and true identity. The uneasiness of worry surfaces in our hearts when we lose sight of the gospel of God’s grace to the undeserving. Failure to grasp the gospel is what causes us to take our eyes off the kingdom and forget who we are in Christ.

United to Christ, we are part of a royal family. Our older Brother is the King of the world.


“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – (Matthew 11: 28 – 30).


The Ark of Safety

I wrote this piece about a week ago,  just after I’d heard the disheartening news of the Gwarzo Boy’s Secondary School  scandal in Kano state, Nigeria. I pondered on how acts of wickedness had suddenly become so rampant, and even somewhat acceptable to some. I was so livid at the dissimpassioned, flippant attitude of the school authorities to the reports, bearing in mind that most of the victims were young JSS1 boys.
Two days ago, I’d just arrived from Nigeria and walked into the living room. The “breaking news” banner flashed across the screen. As I set my trolley aside, I was anxious to read what it said “…hostage situation in Paris”, “…about eleven feared dead”. By the next morning, that number had sky-rocketed far passed what I could have ever imagined. I was saddened, but I was not surprised.

End time perils are scriptural, and cannot be prayed or wished away. In these last days, we will hear of many terrible things. Evil and perversion will multiply. But in the midst of this, a set of people will soar far above these dangers. The  children of the Most High God won’t only be exempt, they will prosper exceedingly- Malachi 4:2. GOD’s gift of salvation does not eradicate evil and wickedness from the world, but it guarantees exemption from, and victory in every one of the manifestations of the powers of darkness.

However, we must be careful not to wish our way into this protection, we must consciously make a decision to get under the covering of Jesus. Joining this ark of safety has always been easy, there is no waiting list, no admittance fee -accept JESUS into your heart, as your Lord and personal Saviour, renouncing and repenting of your sins. He loves you so much and He is ready to receive you with open arms. Living without Jesus in this age is comparable to walking into a raging war-zone unarmed and unprotected -anything can happen. So we must seek Him while He can still be found… for the night time cometh when no man can work- Jn 9: 4; Ecl 9: 10

Yes there is great wickedness. It may seem like pain and suffering is the inevitable fate of all -but there is a greater power. Power that delivers prey out of the clutches of the mighty predator. There is an ark of safety, for all who want to celebrate a ‘lifting up’ while the world laments of a ‘casting down’. There is safety in the name of the great Man of Galilee, JESUS. Brethren, do not let the evil of the day keep you from living a glorious, purposeful life. Neither you nor I can stop it, we can only be exempted from it. Financial markets are crashing and recessions are looming. The world might have changed, but God remains the same. The earth is STILL the Lord’s and He still keeps in perfect peace all who keep their eyes stayed on Him. So lift up your head and rejoice, for your redemption is close. Lift up your head and rejoice for our God is on the throne!

The Tree Monkey Wins


Relating events in every day life to scripture -I doubt I am the only one who often catches herself doing this.

My mom sent me this video and asked for my thoughts. After a five minute conversation with her about it, I thought it would be nice to share it with everyone.

Blessings! 🙂

So here is this tree monkey -little of stature and feeble in strength. Ordinarily, this fella would be easy lunch to these tiger cubs. But this clip is rather unusual. We find the monkey making a total joke of these ferocious beast -even swinging down to pull them by the ears.
His confidence was particularly intriguing -he actually he began poking fun at them, even after they had decided to leave him alone. This monkey knew he had something the cubs didn’t – speed and lightweight!

That’s also how God has made us! We are faster, stronger and smarter than the opposition. Yes, the enemy is big and strong, but our God is immeasurably mighty and He has given us authority to dominate and poke fun at our enemies. I like how KJV Bibles qualify the The Lord and his works as ‘terrible’. Yes, in the camp of our enemies, The Lord causes terror, fear and trembling (Joel 2:11; Nehemiah 9:32). You know, if my earthly dad commanded one-twentieth as much power, I would go around bold as brass -how much more my Eternal, Almighty Father. Family, I live my life to the fullest, bearing in mind that all oppositions to my advancement are rocks that are easily ground into powder by the Hammer of The Word (Jer 23:29).

Brethren, don’t give fear the time of the day ;look at the size of the God within you, not the appearance of your enemies. Our God has given us every spiritual blessing, empowering us to subdue all your enemies under your feet.
Focus on the might and power your God possesses. Remember (Psalm 34:10) Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry. But those who trust in The Lord will lack no good thing!

Love The Cracks On Your Plate


By virtue of God’s omnipotence -nothing you go through has the right to ‘take’ from you. Instead it ‘adds’ to you. If one friendship or relationship didn’t show you what you wanted, it showed you what you didn’t. My ‘Mordecai’ (Re: my previous post) told me about Isaac’s wells in Gen 26. Every time Isaac dug a well, it got taken from him -but he kept digging. He finally found one no one could take away.

Beloved, you are defined by God’s Word, not by disappointments and mistakes -what God can do for you can override anything else anyone has done to you. Let nothing you’ve been through take from you, let it add to you. You are the answer to so many people’s prayers.

So keep on investing in yourself, do things you’re passionate about (take that professional qualification, learn a new skill, take dance lessons, go on holiday, learn about a different culture, learn a different language!).
Don’t give into self-pity and despair. The world is too big and beautiful, there is so much more to see.

Sis, Bro, your value does not decrease over time -you’re not a perishable item. The world may say so, but God says otherwise. Whose report will you believe?

 The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts- Haggai 2:9 (KJV)

Handling Tough Times (1): Uncle Mordecai


I am Queen Esther

on my head is a crown.

Do you know who my uncle is?

Mordecai the Jew.

Queen Esther was the face that could launch a thousand ships. Historically, she was one of the most powerful women on earth. But her beauty wasn’t the reason behind her fame. Esther had an uncle whose advice shaped her destiny. His name was uncle Mordecai.

Young Hadassah (Esther) was a beauty to behold (Esther 2:7), but her aesthetic features wouldn’t take her anywhere close to where uncle Mordecai’s instructions would. Pretty much what (Proverbs 11:22) echoes.

She held on to all Mordecai had taught her as a child- even after she was made Queen (Esther 2:12); (Esther 2: 20).

esther mordecaiShe didn’t get embarrassed or upset when she heard uncle Mordecai was wailing loudly in sack cloth, at the gate of the palace. Uncle Mordecai was a noble man -she knew something was very wrong and reacted quickly. Esther persistently sent people to him until she found out why he was so sad.
She believed all he told her about Haman’s evil plan to eliminate the Jews, and put her her life on the line, by going before king Ahasuerus, uninvited (Esther 4).

esther-4.16-theme-bible-verse-mordecai-iphone-text-overview-bible  It was by her obedience to uncle Mordecai’s words that Esther’s people were preserved and her name was forever inked into the pages of history.

On your way to the top, God will always place a Mordecai in your life to guide you through life’s affairs (Jeremiah 3:15). Mordecai knew Esther was a queen, long before she assumed the throne. Your teachers will see miles ahead of you, and tell you the truth -no matter how bitter. They may not be your choice but they’re God’s choice -which we all know is the best choice! Your contempt or regard for them will greatly affect your fulfillment of destiny. The Bible also echoes the same message:

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid- (Proverbs 12:1 KJV)
Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end- (Proverbs 19:20 KJV)

Esther was terrified to go before King Ahasuerus uninvited. But Mordecai knew just what to say to Esther. He knew he could entrust her with the fate of all Jewish people in the kingdom of Persia (Esther 4:12-17). Esther listened to Mordecai and brought hope and joy to herself, and her people.

esther and KingSo let’s be honest

We don’t usually like to be instructed. Maybe after a long argument and some negotiations, we may consider a contrary point of view. But instructions are an integral part of God’s guidance policy. He lead all great men and women through instructions and he still does.

There’s no great man/woman who despised instruction and made sustainable success in life. Sometimes it’s a friend, a pastor, parent, grandparent, or in Esther’s case, an uncle.

And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding”-  (Jeremiah 3:15).

I dare say it’s a fact of life; you need to be under the covering of a saved teacher or instructor. Someone who’s instruction is laced with love, wisdom and Biblical-based truth. When you find them, establish a healthy relationship with them and honour them. Mordecai saw a great Queen in his niece, even when she lived as an orphan in his home. He also kept Esther grounded, and reminded her of where she was coming from.

Mike Murdock will always advise that we treat our teachers with respect and honour. It’s much worse when an instructor becomes fed up and refuses to instruct, than when a student refuses to learn.

Identify the Mordecai God has placed in your life, not the one you have chosen by yourself.  Watch out for men and women who encourage you to surpass your boundaries. Ask for grace to abide in their presence and draw from their wealth of knowledge. Get under their covering. Their wisdom will make the journey to destiny less laborious.

esther queen

Recharge and Pull Through

smilesHello everyone! we’re in the last quarter of the year and I’m delighted because God loves to save His best for last. I know we all have projects and plans we’ve been working on. Some of us may be tired and exhausted, but I just want to share a quick word to encourage anyone who may be feeling worn-out from the challenges so far. I stand in prayer with you, and I know God will renew your strength, and engrace you to finish well! 



How do you handle your tough times? When you are tired of trying, tired of forgiving, tired of tough weeks or hard-headed people—how do you manage your dark days? With a bottle of pills? Alcohol? A day at the spa? Many opt for such treatments. So often, we assume they re-energize the sad life. But do they? They may numb the pain, but do they really remove it? We, like sheep follow each other over the edge, falling headlong into bars, binges and beds. Is there a solution to this?

Indeed there is.

Be quick to pray. It is at times when we life makes us feel furthest away from the love of God, that we must speak to Him as though He were in front of us. Talk to Christ who invites: “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out? Come to Me (Matthew 11:28-30). God is never downcast, He never tires of hearing about your down days! Let Jesus be the friend you need. When I talk to Him, I spare no details. I tell him my fear and describe my dread.  You will always have a friend for life in Jesus Christ. What could be better than that?

What’s Next?


Periods of transition can be unsettling. It’s especially worrisome when you can’t see what’s going to happen next. Sometimes it’s planned (a career change, going to college, a move), sometimes it isn’t (the loss of a loved one, experiencing a divorce). It is simply terrifying not knowing what to do next.

But it is in times of transition that God does His greatest work in us. It is worry that makes us seek God a little more. The obscurity which transition brings creates a hunger in us for God’s plan and purpose for us.

Worry will make you know there is a Comforter.

Confusion will make you know there is a Great Counselor

Sickness will make you know there is a Great Physician.

Pain will make you know there is a Healer!

Transition will keep you up at night, and wake you early in the morning. You’ll spend hours, looking for answers studying the Word, looking for clues.

Jonah in the deep

After being thrown overboard to die, Jonah was tired. He was at his very lowest. He sat in the belly of the fish God had prepared to swallow him, and said a heartfelt prayer to God (Jonah 1-2). How can we know the greatness of God, until we have been through fire and brimstone? God patiently pursues and protects us until we have a change of heart.

Your period of transition might not be comfortable, but know that you’re right where God wants you to be!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”- Philippians 4: 6-7