Handling Tough Times (1): Uncle Mordecai


I am Queen Esther

on my head is a crown.

Do you know who my uncle is?

Mordecai the Jew.

Queen Esther was the face that could launch a thousand ships. Historically, she was one of the most powerful women on earth. But her beauty wasn’t the reason behind her fame. Esther had an uncle whose advice shaped her destiny. His name was uncle Mordecai.

Young Hadassah (Esther) was a beauty to behold (Esther 2:7), but her aesthetic features wouldn’t take her anywhere close to where uncle Mordecai’s instructions would. Pretty much what (Proverbs 11:22) echoes.

She held on to all Mordecai had taught her as a child- even after she was made Queen (Esther 2:12); (Esther 2: 20).

esther mordecaiShe didn’t get embarrassed or upset when she heard uncle Mordecai was wailing loudly in sack cloth, at the gate of the palace. Uncle Mordecai was a noble man -she knew something was very wrong and reacted quickly. Esther persistently sent people to him until she found out why he was so sad.
She believed all he told her about Haman’s evil plan to eliminate the Jews, and put her her life on the line, by going before king Ahasuerus, uninvited (Esther 4).

esther-4.16-theme-bible-verse-mordecai-iphone-text-overview-bible  It was by her obedience to uncle Mordecai’s words that Esther’s people were preserved and her name was forever inked into the pages of history.

On your way to the top, God will always place a Mordecai in your life to guide you through life’s affairs (Jeremiah 3:15). Mordecai knew Esther was a queen, long before she assumed the throne. Your teachers will see miles ahead of you, and tell you the truth -no matter how bitter. They may not be your choice but they’re God’s choice -which we all know is the best choice! Your contempt or regard for them will greatly affect your fulfillment of destiny. The Bible also echoes the same message:

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid- (Proverbs 12:1 KJV)
Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end- (Proverbs 19:20 KJV)

Esther was terrified to go before King Ahasuerus uninvited. But Mordecai knew just what to say to Esther. He knew he could entrust her with the fate of all Jewish people in the kingdom of Persia (Esther 4:12-17). Esther listened to Mordecai and brought hope and joy to herself, and her people.

esther and KingSo let’s be honest

We don’t usually like to be instructed. Maybe after a long argument and some negotiations, we may consider a contrary point of view. But instructions are an integral part of God’s guidance policy. He lead all great men and women through instructions and he still does.

There’s no great man/woman who despised instruction and made sustainable success in life. Sometimes it’s a friend, a pastor, parent, grandparent, or in Esther’s case, an uncle.

And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding”-  (Jeremiah 3:15).

I dare say it’s a fact of life; you need to be under the covering of a saved teacher or instructor. Someone who’s instruction is laced with love, wisdom and Biblical-based truth. When you find them, establish a healthy relationship with them and honour them. Mordecai saw a great Queen in his niece, even when she lived as an orphan in his home. He also kept Esther grounded, and reminded her of where she was coming from.

Mike Murdock will always advise that we treat our teachers with respect and honour. It’s much worse when an instructor becomes fed up and refuses to instruct, than when a student refuses to learn.

Identify the Mordecai God has placed in your life, not the one you have chosen by yourself.  Watch out for men and women who encourage you to surpass your boundaries. Ask for grace to abide in their presence and draw from their wealth of knowledge. Get under their covering. Their wisdom will make the journey to destiny less laborious.

esther queen

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