Tag Archive | Jesus

Made for More

The world define us by our degrees, our professions and our possessions, but no matter how much we accomplish we always, somehow, still come up short. We strive for excellence and just when we think we’ve attained it, the goal post shifts and we continue the chase to ‘being enough’. 

No wonder Jesus earnestly calls out to all who labour and are heavy laden, He knows there’s a whole bunch of us seeking rest. 

He says if you come to me, I’ll give you an identity that stays the same, no matter what happens. 
When Jesus sent the 70 out in Luke 10, he asked them to leave their belongings behind. He wanted to show them the sufficiency and validation embedded in total dependence on God. 
In John 3: 8. He likens us to the wind💨; free, powerful, irresistible, imperceptible, indiscernible, and unaccountable to the natural mind. Just like the wind, we are not subject to the dictates of this world and cannot be defined by it. 

Don’t define yourself by worldly standards, you were made for more.

The Heart of The Father

💫💫 Call out to me and I will answer you and I will reveal deep secrets to you.

I will give you wisdom and understanding;  they’ll be a lamp as you walk and an illuminator on your journey.

I’ll show you how to defend yourself, and prepare you ahead of tough times.

I won’t let your foot slip. You can trust me, I don’t sleep on the job. No, I don’t sleep or rest! I am your shade, right beside you.

When you call me, I will answer you in a remarkable way, with my mighty hand.

I will create a path for you where no foot has gone. So, when the sea threatens to drown you, it will be a highway for your escape.

The firmament- I created it. I’ll make sure it always aligns in your favour. I’ll even make the stones on the ground your allies.

Your mockers will turn around and do things for you. They won’t have any control over their actions. I’ll make people who don’t know you to like you.

The high and mighty will care for you and all your needs. I’ll make them your guardians just to show you that I am a dependable God.

I’ll make your mistakes a thing of the past… as if they never happened.
Then I’ll give you double for your sorrows.

With no way back and no way forward, I will do what I do best – The impossible. I make a way where, naturally speaking, there is no way.

I created you. You are mine. Do you really think that I am going to forget you or let you go?’

Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me – (Isaiah 49:16)

The Valley of Indecision

Elijah said what he said 💁‍ in 1 Kings 18 : 21

‘How long will you keep flip flopping?’

‘When will you pick a side?’

‘How long will you keep oscillating between faith and your feelings?’

‘When will you stop making alternative plans just in case God doesn’t come through for you?’

Indecision seems safe at first, but the trouble comes when your failure to decide causes a decision to be made for you, with or without your consent.

A really wise man once said “Even if you don’t plant in your garden, things still grow there’.

We will not sit on the fence; it’s not safe there. We will be intentional. Life is not a gamble, there’s a winning side. We choose Jesus and follow Him in spite and despite- that’s how true happiness happens.

Everyone Needs a Cheerleader

Every person needs to hear someone call them “wonderful.” Here’s why: companies spend billions of dollars to convince us that we are too fat, too skinny, smelly, ugly, and uncool. Inadequacy indwells a billion hearts. How about you distribute encouragement? Will you make some happiness happen? Will you remind humanity that we are made in God’s image? That we are chosen and destined and loved?

Start by listening intently. Ask someone to tell you his or her story. Give the rarest of gifts: your full attention. Praise abundantly. Biblical encouragement is no casual kind word, but rather a premeditated resolve to lift the spirit of another person.

Think about David and his mighty army. How did he make a great army out of a group of angry, bitter, rejected men? Encouragement. David gave them something that their environments could not.

Everyone needs a cheerleader. Give the gift that God loves to give: the gift of encouragement. This is how happiness happens.

Spread Happiness Like Jesus

Jesus was accused of much, but he was never described as a grump or sourpuss or self-centered jerk. People didn’t groan and sigh whenever he showed up. He called them by name. He listened to their stories. He answered their questions. He visited their sick relatives, and he helped their sick friends. He fished with fishermen, he ate lunch with the little guy, and he spoke words of resounding affirmation where anyone needed hope.

He went to weddings. He went to so many parties that he was criticized for hanging out with questionable people. Thousands came to hear him. Hundreds chose to follow him. They walked away from careers to be with him. His purpose statement read “I came to give life with joy and abundance” (John 10:10 The Voice). 

In a nutshell, Jesus was happy and wants us to be the same.

He Wants the Bad Bits Too

God not only wants the mistakes we’ve made, he wants the ones we’re making. Are you drinking too much? Are you cheating at work or cheating at marriage? Mismanaging your life? Don’t pretend nothing’s wrong. The first step after a stumble must be in the direction of the cross. 1 John 1:9 promises, “If we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away.”

So start with your bad moments. And while you’re there, give God your mad moments. There’s a story about a man bitten by a dog, and when he learned the dog had rabies he began a list. The doctor said, “There’s no need for you to make a will—you’ll be fine.” “Oh I’m not making a will,” he said. “I’m making a list of all the people I want to bite.” God wants that list; He wants the bad bits too. Leave them at the cross.

Let Jesus Be Kind to You

There is a correlation between the way you feel about yourself and the way you feel about others. If you are at peace with yourself you will get along with others. The converse is also true. If you don’t like yourself, if you’re ashamed, embarrassed, or angry, other people are going to know it. Unless the cycle is interrupted.

Which takes us to one of the kindest verses in the Bible. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives” (Matthew 11:28). “Come to me,” the verse reads.

Let Christ be kind to you. And as you do, you’ll find it easier to be kind to others.

The Sin Dilemma

Can you live without sin for one day? No. How about one hour, can you do it? No. Nor can I. And if we can’t live without sin we have a problem. Proverbs 10:16 says we’re evil and “evil people are paid with punishment.” What can we do?

Observe what Jesus does with our filth—he carries it to the cross. God speaks to Isaiah in chapter 50, verse 6: “I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting.” You see, mingled with his blood and sweat was the essence of our sin. Angels were a prayer away. Couldn’t they have taken the spittle away? They could have, but Jesus never commanded them to. The One whose chose the nails also chose the saliva. Why? The sinless One took on the face of a sinner so that we sinners could take on the face of a saint.


Changing direction in life is not tragic, but losing passion in life is. Something happens along the way. Convictions to change the world downgrade to commitments to pay the bills. Rather than make a difference, we make a salary. Rather than look outward, we look inward. And we don’t like what we see.

But God is not finished with you yet. Well you may think he is. You may think you’ve peaked. You may think he’s got someone else to do the job. If so, think again! The Bible says that “God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again” (Philippians 1:6). Did you see what God is doing? A good work in you. Did you see when he’ll be finished? When Jesus Christ comes again.

May I spell out the message? God ain’t finished with you yet!

The Surprise

Seems to me God gives a lot more grace than we’d ever imagine. We could do the same. Now, I’m not for watering down the truth or compromising the Gospel. But if a fellow with a pure heart calls God Father, can’t I call that man Brother? If God doesn’t make doctrinal perfection a requirement for family membership, should I? If God can tolerate my mistakes, can’t I tolerate the mistakes of others? If God can overlook my errors, can’t I overlook the errors of others? If God allows me, with my foibles and failures, to him Father, shouldn’t I extend that same grace to others?

One thing is for sure: when we get to heaven, we’ll be surprised at some of the folks we see. And some of them will be surprised when they see us!